Death Threats
Released By Miako Yamada for Miss. O. Shimura CCMCC

Death Threats

MCC has received a number of very nice and well meant respondses on the Death Threat Messages we have received. In some instances help was offered in analysing and tracing of the senders, MCC is most gratefull for your kindness and concerns.

MCC currently is condincting own investigations, as we reported, and will publish the results of our investigations in this matter. It should be understood that MCC is not intimidated in any way as we do have own security recources which are most effective.

MCC further wishes to send encouragements to those, now not named individuals, which may well be under severe pressures. We have full understanding if in some instances a partial retreat from assoiciations is deemed unavoidable.

MCC further wishes to stress the fact that this kind of threats are often caused by deeply felt concerns about the murder case. In particular as due to many circumstances, partly of very malicious nature, MCC has now changed its policies in respect to publications and openess about publication dates and methodologies. In some instances this will cause understantable anger and frustrations.

MCC is fully aware of this and even if it may be very difficult to accept, MCC does no harbor adverse feelings towards people involved in these emotional expressions, neither will MCC security engage in advers actions in these cases.

In other instances threats are very much more serious such they require intense investigation and possible protective actions. It is the later type of threats which may lead to a degree of intimidation on the part of non MCC investigators and activists.

MCC will not wait with exposures until after Dutch elections, this means that at any time between now and the Dutch elections MCC will publish at unexpected dates and in unexpected manner.

Miako Yamada for Oyako Shimura CCMCC