We have received following explanations from Mr. Brockhus. Dear Oyako, As you probably discovered by now a discussion about my conclusion that the AIVD must have taken action to prohibit publication is wrong. However some critics had it right that a minor error of capitalisation was the cause and my conclusion. As I am making pages for 6 years now I never had this problem, so I made an accusation to the Dutch AIVD which was unjust. I do appologize for that and especially to have put you in a wrong position. I am really honest about this and I will try to correct my mistake on the Foruyn Forum as well. A Dutch Televison Broadcaster asked me about this and I told them that I was greatly interested in the video that shows the murder on Pim Fortuyn. It can prove that Van der Graaf was not alone. I humbly ask you to correct your announcement in which you follow my wrong conclusion that the page was censored. Nevertheless it is very interesting to see that many people have read information - which is most of the time based on facts - about monetary en environmental issues on the website of SDN. But they were never discussed by those critics. Now, when I tumble in a trap of error everyone is an expert critisizing the website of SDN. I think this goes along with human nature. I hope that you will forgive me for my mistake and wish you success in you goal to persue justice and well being for man kind as a whole. Met vriendelijke groet,
Rob Brockhus met vriendelijke groet,
Robert M. Brockhus, webmaster SDN
Dear Mrs. Brockhus Only a great man openly apologices for his mistake, please be assured of my respect and appreciations. It is no shame be too much carefull and expect evil actions when fighting evil forces. Thank you so much for your honest and brave actions, my vow to be worthy of you and the couragious struggle that is yours. Most repectfully - Oyako Shimura
MCC has obtained following informations about the cowardly actions of the Dutch Service Of Evil Manipulations and their running dogs of media and ISP Planet Internet Following is the exact contents of the message published, by the couragious and honorable Mr. Brockhus of SDN, notice we display the message in original form and no translation of contents parts.<> Geheime dienst van Nederland blokkeert informatie op het internet Secret Service in the Netherlands is blocking information on the internet The website of Shimura is blocked bij the ISP Planet Internet. And of course bij the Intelligence service of the AIVD. Never could I have expected that article 1 of the constitution is violated by my own government with the message:
ERROR - 404 Helaas is de door u opgevraagde pagina niet, of niet meer, beschikbaar. Het is ook mogelijk dat de server instructies heeft deze pagina niet aan u te tonen (op basis van uw Internet-adres bijvoorbeeld).
which means the server has instruction NOT to show the information to the viewer, although the file is uploaded correctly at: Next to this I made an extra copy of the AAaction website with a link to your press release page in order to be more flexible and make it available on cd-rom. Of course I make a deviation link to another website. See http://www.sdnl.nl/cd-rom.htm Op 22 december 2002 onthult Oyako Shimura in 9 talen op tientallen websites en wereldwijd tot nu toe geheime documenten en video's over de moord op Fortuyn, which site is out of reach of the Planet Internet provider who is hosting the website of the Social Databank Netherlands. Greetings Robert Brockhus Met vriendelijke groet, Rob Brockhus
It fills my eyes with tears by witness of this exhibition of courage, dedication and patriotism on part the honorable Mr. Brockhus. MCC considers his actions to be in example of the honarable Yukio Mishima-sensei, the honorable Prof. Fortuyn, and most close to my heart the brave and superior intellectual warrior Aung San Suu Kyi. How true are her words: Within a system which denies the existence of basic human rights, fear tends to be the order of the day...A most insidious form of fear is that which masquerades as common sense or even wisdom, condemning as foolish, reckless, insignficant, or futile the small, daily acts of courage which help to preserve man's self-respect and inherent human dignity MCC statement to the corrupted media and running dogs of betrayal of AIVD is following: Wake up to you foolishness, never will you have ablity to suppress truth and free word by acts of cowardly censorship and suppressions. What you have reached is our declaration of war. War waged with the razor blade sword of truth, the word, and intellectual/moral superiority as is now exhibited by the honorable Mr. Brockhus. MCC declares never we surrender to you wickedness and murderous evil following from deep rooted mongrul moral inferiority of you Cabal. MCC staff vows following the honorable Yukio Mishima-sensei as shining star in a universe of honorability, rather as we allow ourself be stopped and corrupted. My personal vow is following the shining example of my heart sister, Miss Sharon Cohen, when she marched to the gates of Jerusalem in face of hatemongers of dillussions, so now I march to the gates of the evil empire on waves of internaional broadcastings. How childish and intelectual inferior is this exhibit of cowardice and internal corruption. Do you think it can stop, no only it beginning of exposure of henious crimes from the nuclear holocaust inflicted on my country to the massacres of the Banda islands populations to Wounded Knee and Mi Lai, Rangoon to WTC, JFK to Prof. Fortuyn and Bergen-Belsen the chemical holocaust. Time now has arrived for karmic retributions of exposures casting memory of you evil rule to the deepst regions of hell existence. Warriors of the free word and truth will rain down from Shamballah. We will not fail, you childesh attempts only load more shame on you on publication date Oyako Shimura -CCMCC |