MCC has fixed publication time and date at 22-12-2002 13:00 gmt
MCC further has achieved arrangements and logistics for time and date of 17-12-2002 08:00 gmt provided following conditions are achieved:
Availabilitiy of the full official version of the Haak repport to MCC, direct or via Internet publications, prior to 15-12-2002 03:00 gmt for purposes of:
- Analysis and intergrations
- Translation in English, Spanish, Arabic, Japanese, Korean and Chinese languages of the full report and inserted proofs, evidences, audios and pictorials exposing the crimminal nature of its composers.
MCC will not provide public pre-notification if the 17-12-2002 is achieved for reasons of tacktics and securities. For this reason 22-12-2002 must be in principle regarded as the fixed publication date.
MCC has strong reasons of hope for achievement of 17-12-2002 with own sources, nevertheless MCC repeats its call for brave patriotic actions from side of insiders fortunate with abilities for leaking to either MCC direct or Dutch Media/Internet.
MCC clearly states not to compensate for efforts as we consider patriotic actions an ethical duty in face of the crimminal nature of cover-up actions.
MCC strongly calls on LPF Party to avoid political ruin. MCC advises and urges LPF party members to:
- Expose Mr. Herben manipulations and betrayal of Prof. Fortuyn.
- Confront LPF witnesses to speak truth about events and manipulations in the murder relations.
MCC reminds LPF party members in Parliament and Management of the fact there is no time left. Better now cleaning your house as it be cleaned by forces of Kamikaze Winds of exposure.
Reponds to dedicated Dutch researchers
- MCC staff and management much rather follow the honorable Yukio Mishima into honorable death as breaking a vow and thereby live lifes of unbearable shame and humiliations. We may not fail.
- MCC confirms betrayal at the murder scene, proof of this will be in great detail and clearly visible from third person video and audable in sound files.
- MCC greatly admires work done by individuals in this subject field.
- Personally I will appear, together with key Japanese/Korean staff, in a press conference aired in an now still secret Asian country TV network on 23-12-2002. For security reasons we never will expose identities or locations of affilated staff, their lives are sacred to MCC.
- MCC, if on voluntary basis, participation of affiliated Netherlands based semi-staff.
Oyako Shimura - CCMCC