MCC will begin transmittions to you on 31-01-2002 at a time you will be of Personally. For many reasons MCC offers you protection if you feel need for this, we recieve informations which are to be taken very seriously. Further it is most important to stay alert and keep in mind that information is now getting in the public domain in regards to two different versions of the van der Haak report, one released to the public and another that is withheld. This means that censorship has now been applied, which is in strong contradiction to the freedom of press. It shows that deep concerns at official levels are translating into severe actions, which of course shows that exposure of deep secretive activities in the murder case may result in worse actions. Given this MCC feels more determined to publish, but at the same time we feel concern for those who are in the Netherlands. For this reason we wish to point at risks while encouraging continued and intensified search for truth, either by own investigations or by publication of MCC materials. Further, like I have pointed at previously, the ruling factions are increasing their control and manipulative actions. So please be keenly awake and confront such manipulations where you indentify it. Miako Yamada for Miss. Oyako Shimura CCMCC