Due to a set of circumstances and tactical considerations MCC will apply a variable timming method for transmittions. Time range is set to 24 hours (31-12-2002 23:00 Dutch Local Time to 01-01-2003 23:00 Dutch Local Time) Official International releases are scheduled to start from a US based station at 01-01-2003 23:00 Gmt. For tactical reasons we have following guidelines established for volunteers:
The 24 hour transmission process will be monitored and results will be included in the initial US release. Notice MCC will under all conditions protect volunteer privacy. Additionally, stricktly within contraints placed by Dutch Jurediction, specific an undisclosed wider range monitoring will be conducted. Reason for this are identification and reporting in case of irregularities occuring. Also results of this mmonitoring will be included in the first international release. Lastly due overly carefull approaches as much as deception attempts no fixed date for a Dutch Press Conference can be supplied at this time. Nevertheless MCC remains open to contact in this matter.
Letter received we very much wish answer Dear mrs. Shimura, In reply to the next quote from one of your sites i will try to explain some backgrounds of peoples thinking to you.
[Quote:] The sixth of mai 2002 most of the people in the Netherlands were shocked by the murder at Pim Fortuyn. The day before the elections of mai 15th our former prime minister Wim Kok spoke to the people via dutch (left oriented) TV, urging them to vote with their minds instead of their harts. His speech seemd to make sense, but still 1.6 million people voted LPF. I guess you know the rest of the story about the LPF and the roles of the dutch media companies, who consequently informed the people about all the rumour going on within the LPF party.
We now have the next situation here in Holland: Dutch people are somewhat strange. At the moment things are really important and in the news, we act en masse", but when things are getting older and less actual, we rest and wait. I hereby want to tell you that there are still a lot of people here, who are really interested by feelings of honour, respect and the idea of being manipulated by the dutch media and government, that are willing to do everything to find justice and truth in this matter. The problem is that we do not have many ways to find the real truth about this very pityful page in our recent history. In you and your organisation we felt (and feel) having a partner with possibilities of finally finding the truth. One thing however we have and can! We are able to distribute everything we want to whatever party we want in a way it can not be ignored. Furthermore we know the people within the media and dutch parties who are as eager in finding the truth as we are. I realy hope you will understand that there are mainstreams here in Holland that are really interested in your work and thoughts, and are ready to do whatever is necessary. Dear Mrs. Shimura, Please do not let us down! One of the many true concerned dutch citizens.
Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss In name of Miss. Shimura I wish to express my gratitude for this enlightning and very imprtant letter. Please MCC is commited to expose true backgrounds, events in this murder. Of course our commitment and dedication is focussed on a much larger context effecting the Netherlands as much as my country. The Prof. Fortuyn murder is only an aspect of our mission which now is directed on the terrible danger of irresponsible and insane policies in the direction of North Korea. We most certainly not communists but rather nationalists with deep love for our country, just like your letter expresses. It also this reason that we are mostly mysterious about our timming, plannings, coordinations and affiliations. However in name of Miss. Shimura we are also strongly commited to the Dutch situation and this also in particular due people like you who are so much eager for truth. For this reason, even we are illusive, we will not let you down.
Miako Yamada for Miss. Oyako Shimura CCMCC