Increasing censorships
Released By O. Shimura CCMCC

Increasing censorships

MCC has receieved word from undiclosed source:

Person been banned from the Fortuyn Forums on Prof Fortuyn. Censorship is now for certain on these forums, this is what Person found out. So Person thinks these forums are under control of LPF-party and/or the constrol structure organizations.

Clearly we have experienced full banning of MCC statements, views and even mention. However now the disease is spreading from what we now know from sources.

Important we feel is to report such incidences with MCC, please we are most interested in banned subjects, names (AIVD or Mossad like so) and individuals names (Teeven, Donner, Blaauw like so). Please use remailer facility to report at

MCC intends make inventory of incidents and publish, of course never disclosing persons or circumstances of persons.

MCC is most aware of the increasingly troublesome civil liberty consequences of such panic inspired actions.

MCC identifies following problem subjects candidate for censorship:

  1. MCC itself of course ((^_^))
  2. Mossad involvement in relation of Bijlmer and IRT
  3. IRT aspects of the murder both of Prof. Fortuyn and Mr. van Traa
  4. JSF aspects relating to Mr. Herben
  5. Middle Eastern origines of contractor
We realize there may be more such subjects. It should be noticed that banning of persons and imposing censorship is sign of proximity to truth. Everytime organizations, Governments, parties and individuals impose censorship it from position of weakness.

Nevertheless MCC warns people of strong heart for truth to take good care, nobody can be missed who is truthseeker.

Further in this context MCC points at the Mr. Oltmans position of being threatend, please we feel his statements and opinions must be spread very widely and made known. Reason the more people know why he is in danger the more carefull the suppressors will act.

So this means please internationalize your findings if you feel entering danger zones.

Oyako Shimura CCMCC