Groene stroom verhult subsidiemisbruik. De overbodige € 1,3 miljard subsidie moet naar de duurzame Nuloptie van Edelchemie

Ir. Nevels: Plea to European intellectuals and sepecially to the greens

Edelchemie. . . Kamerzetel 151 . . . Klokkenluiders <====> SDN . . . Crisisdebat

The intellectuals in Europe have not been able to prevent poisenous food

The Stolen Future

Daalzicht 37, 6097 EK Heel en Panheel
Panheel, 18 juni 1999

Plea to the European intellectuals and sepecially to the greens

Ir. L. M. M. Nevels


Last week, electorate went to the polling stations to choose representatives for a new European Parliament. One remarkable fact about these elections has been that the majority of voters have not bothered to register their vote at all. Those who have, are turning their hopes and votes in ever larger numbers to the Green Parties.

The intellectuals in Europe have not been able to prevent that the food produced in Europe had deteriorated significantly in quality as a consequence of diffuse micro pollution. The development and promotion of large scale food production by the bio-industry can be regarded as one of the main policy errors in recent decades. The mixed farms of the 60's are disappearing quickly, taking with them an important cultural aspect of our societies.

The Belgian dioxine scandal is one of many symptoms indicating the rapidly deteriorating environmental health situation. The Greenhouse Effect is continuing; two islands in the Pacific Ocean have now completely disappeared, many more will follow as the sea level continues too rise and the whether systems become increasingly unstable.

North Sea fishing, one of the key economic activities in Europe, is also threatended as the heavily contaminated by dredgings from the Rhine, Meuse and Scheldt are going to be dumped in enormous depots situated in the delta areas of these rivers. These depots must be regarded as ticking boms. Who knows, North Sea fishing may have become impossible in 2050.

Instead of separating the clean sand (> 90%) from these dredgings and treating the contaminants
through thermal virtification (i.e. Nature already does this; glazing), we are laying an enormous
new burden on our children's and grandchildren's future.


      Ir. L.M.M. Nevels


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