Restricted use of energy and lawful distribution and entitlement to consumer goods
Silvio Gesell's story: Robinson Crusoe in his 'Natural Economic Order'
United States are importing low paid jobs at the expense of American workers
Comment on Sylvia Hewlett's analysis of the American society
The infinite growth of money (answer to the riddle in America.NO!)
First Response to 'America,,, ...!' by Andrea
Bill Clinton daagt Amerikanen uit tot 'groot burgerschap'
McCaffrey staat pal in strijd tegen drugs
Two million people in jail in the United State of America. A world record
Initiative of immigrants to discuss the letter America ... no,, ... no....!
Comment on the OECD-analysis of unemployment in France, compared to the
Dutch 'Polder model'
Platform of the Social Databank Netherlands (SDN)
Analysis and prediction of the consequences of the euro
Der Dritte Weg (Magazine). 'Wo ist unser Geld geblieben?' (Juni)
First letter to secratary of state for Labor, Robert Reich
Election and mystification of EMU criteria and Euro currency
Letter to the Secretary of Labor in the US, Mr. Robert Reich
'Good-bye Money' by Monrobey Capital Network Management Corporation
Dr. Paul Metz pleas for: Networking all over the planet
Fax message for the press at the Amsterdam Summit on 16/17 June 1997
Clinton's blunder