Huizen, 1 maart 2005
CDA-bijeenkomst in het Erfgooiers College in Huizen
Op 1 maart 2005 bezocht minister de Geus op uitnodiging van het CDA in Huizen en de regio een bijeenkomst van CDA-leden. Ook andere geïnteresseerden konden luisteren naar dat wat minister De Geus van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid te melden had over het beleid van het kabinet.
In de pauze sprak ik met de minister over drie onderwerpen. Namelijk, dat zijn verhaal dezelfde misleiding kon bevatten als toen de euro zo nadrukkelijk werd aangeprezen door zowel de president van de Nederlandsche Bank als door het toen zittende paarse kabinet van PvdA, VVD en D66. Iedereen weet inmiddels dat door de invoering van de euro de prijzen voor dagelijkse levensbehoeften stijl zijn gestegen, behalve minister Aart Jan de Geus. Want De Geus bestreed dit met een afwerende opmerking, "Dat dit niet waar was, want hij deed zelf ook wel boodschappen en hij had van die scherpe prijsstijging niets gemerkt". Natuurlijk snapte ik die reactie wel, want wanneer de minister zelf en politiek geconstateerd zou hebben dat het prijspeil sterk gestegen was, dan zou hij niet een beleid kunnen verdedigen waarbij de uitkeringen en het liefst ook de lonen nominaal op de nullijn konden worden gehouden. Het aantal voedselbanken, faillissementen, huisuitzettingen, schuldsaneringen en oplopende schulden en straks weer de gaarkeukens is het bewijs van de harde werkelijkheid, ondanks de ontkenning van minister De Geus.
Het tweede aspect wat ik de minister voorhield was het fenomeen dat met name Poolse en Oost-Europese arbeiders zo fanatiek aan het werk gaan op bijvoorbeeld de aspergevelden, terwijl die verrekte luiwammesen van Nederlandse werklozen ondanks 20.000 vacatures in de agrarische sector er maar 340 bereid bleken om dat zware, onderbetaalde en ongezonde werk te doen met een loon dat slechts een fractie meer is dan de minimale sociale uitkering van de bijstand. Ik stelde dat hij - De Geus - het hier niet zou aandurven om de werkelijk reden van dit merkwaardige fenomeen in het openbaar naar voren te brengen. Namelijk dat de Poolse werkers vijf keer meer aan koopkracht mee naar huis nemen dan dat een Nederlander die hier woont kan verdienen. De Geus erkende dat hij dat ook wel wist en zei: "Het levert ze veel meer op". Dat klopt, want met een enkele maand werken in Nederland tegen het minimumloon kan een Pool of Bulgaar voor vijf maanden koopkracht en inkomen naar huis meenemen. Aan effectieve koopkracht verdienen zij een half ministersalaris netto in het handje. Maar pas op, dat is de ideale situatie voor die harde werkers. De uitbuiting en misbruik van macht liggen hier levensgroot op de loer. Of die Oost-Eurpeanen niet geplunderd worden door de ongetwijfeld zeer sociaal voelende en integere "werkgevers" laat het verslag van de Vlaamse televisie zien. Maar waar blijven de Nederlandse media ....??? De minister zei dat hij het wel aandurfde om dat fenomeen in zijn discussie met de aanwezigen te bespreken. Dat deed hij dan ook na de pauze, toen iemand anders het onderwerp van de migratie en verschuiving van werkgelegenheid naar het Oosten en Verre Oosten aan de orde stelde, ten koste van de werkgelegenheid voor de Nederlanders. De Geus erkende het verschijnsel en zei dat de regering er nauwlettend op zou toezien dat alle mensen die werkten hetzelfde loon uitbetaald zouden krijgen, wat het probleem natuurlijk niet oplost, maar zelfs bestendigt. Later maakte ik met een interruptie nog duidelijk dat de Polen geen van allen "werknemer" zijn maar zelfstandige ondernemers, zodat de boeren legaal ook nog ver onder het minimumloon mensen aan het werk kunnen zetten en de belastingen en sociale premies afgewenteld worden op de Oost-Europese werkers die na enkele maanden buffelen met de oosterzon naar huis vertrekken, zonder ook maar een cent aan belastingen en premie af te dragen. Dat is pas echt winst maken met slavenarbeid. De asperges op het bord van de minister en van de elite in Nederland zijn dan ook buitengewoon goedkoop, hetgeen in de inflatiecijfers van het CBS tot uitdrukking komt, zodat de uitkeringen niet behoeven te worden verhoogd om het koopkrachtverlies door de gestegen prijzen van brood, boter, kaas en eieren te compenseren. Want tussen het dieet van de minima en dat van de elite bestaat heel zeker een duidelijke tweedeling. Ook vermeldde ik de minister dat de staatsschuld niet afgelost behoeft te worden en dat dit zelfs heel dom zou zijn, omdat dat ten koste zou gaan van de inkomens van alle mensen met pensioen. De rente die de Staat de Nederlanden nu betaalt over die staatsschuld komt voor het overgrote deel ten goede van de pensioenfondsen, die dank zij de stabiliteit van het grootste spaarfonds in Nederland (de staatsschuld) de welvaart van de senioren kunnen garanderen, anders dan in Amerika en in Japan het geval is. Daarom gaf ik hem een cd-rom mee met daarop de hele website van de SDN. Ook een twintigtal andere bezoekers kregen een kopie daarvan mee. Ik ben benieuwd naar het effect van deze kennisoverdracht. Ik wacht op zijn reactie
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: [] Verzonden: woensdag 2 maart 2005 11:31 Aan: Onderwerp: wants you to see this book at
Gilbert De Bruycker requested we send you this e-mail including this personal note: Hello, Dit boek leunt sterk aan bij Henry George. Daarom breng ik het onder uw aandacht. Vriendelijke groet. How is it possible that our econometrics professors missed this 6th grade math which is the foundation of plunder by trade which in turn led to 9/11? How is it that economic historians missed the connection between plunder-by-trade as outlined in classics about the Middle Ages (though that phrase is not used) and today's free trade? Our military today is for the same purpose as the raiding parties of the City States of Europe for 800 years; control resources and control the wealth-producing-process. Why do those same economic historians ignore that America's founding fathers knew that Britain was plundering America through trade, fought the War of 1812 to avoid the imposition of plunder-by-trade upon them, protected the new nation's markets and tender industries, and America became wealthy? Why does America then turn around and impose the same plunder-by-trade upon weak nations that Britain attempted to impose upon them? All those whys are because we do not have the free thought in America we are told; We have the finest propaganda system the world has ever known. Propaganda works through control of what is taught in academia and what is said in the media. Yes you, those professors, and the media can say what they want but all who do step outside the permitted-parameters-of-debate are quickly forced to the margins and unheard by most. It is American foreign policy (copied from the old imperial nations of Europe) which is impoverishing the world. Eliminate the waste of wars (the least of the three great wastes and whose purpose is to control resources and the wealth-producing-process); Eliminate the waste of monopolies within capitalism (the 2nd greatest waste); And eliminate the waste of capital-destroying-capital (the greatest waste of all) and economic efficiency will increase equal to the invention of money, the printing press and electricity. There are enough resources on this earth for everybody. Through Cooperative Capitalism poverty can be eliminated in 10 years and a quality life for all can be obtained in 50 years. And the powerbrokers know all this very well; they turn to cooperative capitalism whenever allies are needed to suppress others break for freedom. A summary of our world today that all understand in 30 minutes Chapter One of Economic Democracy Consider this: You are in America producing one widget an hour and are paid $10 an hour. I am in Indonesia producing one widget an hour and am paid $1 an hour. We are equally productive but we have a 10 times pay differential. We ignore monopoly patent costs which only increase the discrepancy and price theses widgets at the labor cost of production. (Capital is but stored labor so all justified costs are labor costs.) I must work 10 hours to buy one of your widgets. In that same 10 hours you earn $100 and can buy 100 of my widgets. The difference in retained wealth is not mathematical it is exponential (high pay divided by the low pay squared). When you do this math remember the key is the buying power gained in the same working timespan by equally-productive labor producing products for trades between countries. If the well-paid nation is paid twice that of the low-paid nation, in direct trades between them the well-paid nation accumulates 4 units of wealth and the low-paid accumulates 1 unit of wealth. At 4 times the pay differential for equally productive labor the high-paid nation retains $25 and the low-paid nation retains $1. At a 20 times pay differential the high-paid nation retains $400 while the low-paid nation retains $1. This sixth grade math is the first of the three fundamentals of plunder-by-trade. Chapter Two: The origin of plunder-by-trade All wealth is processed from resources. There were no resources inside the Walled Cities (Free Cities) of Europe 800 years ago. All resources (timber, wool, ore) were in the countryside. When the serfs came to town and saw the looms, fulling vats, leather making tools, forges, etc. (primitive industrial capital) they said, "We can do that." And back to their villages they went to produce their own industrial tools. What happens now to the city? This is their living and down the tube they go. Right out of the classics on the Middle Ages (Heckscher, Pirenne, Polanyi) we learn that "For 700 to 800 years the cities sent out raiding parties to destroy the primitive industrial capital of the countryside and force them to sell their resources to the city." Those city states became countries; those countries became empires; and the military of the imperial centers of capital today are for the same purpose as those raiding parties 800 years ago; control resources and control the wealth-producing-process. Where are Japan's resources? Where are Hong Kong's resources? Where are Taiwan's resources? Where are South Korea's resources? And where are Europe's resources (they consume 14 times the natural resources as lie within their borders)? Those resources are primarily in the impoverished world being purchased for a fraction of their true value. This simple economic history citing classics is the 2nd fundamental of plunder by trade. Chapter Three: Not a country in the world ever developed under Adam Smith free trade. All successfully developed countries did so under the principles of Friedrich List's 1841 classic The National System of Political Economy. In the introduction of that book List explains how Britain's William Pitt imposed Adam Smith free trade upon the world. Structural adjustments imposed upon weak nations being the very opposite of the policies in which successful nations developed prove the imperial nations are carrying on William Pitt's plan for control of world trade through Adam Smith free trade (really controlled trade); "So long as the impoverished world can be made to believe this they hand their wealth to the imperial centers of their own free will and it does not require an army." Of course the military is there to force all who would opt out back inside that mold. America's founding fathers are our primary sources for this 3rd fundamental of plunder by trade (p. 39). They are the ones who ignored William Pitt's efforts to impose Adam Smith free trade on America. It is they who protected America's tender industries and markets and it is through those common sense policies that America became wealthy. Because we built this foundation on this hidden, unspoken, and ignored economic history we can now make statements that others cannot. They do not have the base to speak from. Today's world economy is built upon plunder by trade. It is at this point the (20 to 30 minutes of conversation) our reader/listener clearly understands the causes of wars and poverty and they instinctively understand how to correct it. But the books provide more foundations. Once those monopolies-protected by financial warfare, economic warfare, covert warfare and overt open war-are abandoned individuality, competition, and personal rights are not only protected they are strengthened and economic efficiency increases equal to the invention of money, the printing press, and electricity. The average standard of living per hour of labor in the wealthy imperial centers would double and the GNP would drop by half. That 50% drop in GNP measures the previously wasted labor and capital as the money flowed through those monopolies into the coffers of those who do not produce. By proving the waste of wars, the waste of monopolies, and the waste of capital destroying capital (the greatest waste of all), we demonstrate there is plenty on this earth for all. All the imperial nations have to do is be who they say they are and do what they say they do and this world will quickly go peaceful, poverty will be eliminated in 10 years, and the world would be developed to a sustainable level for a quality life for all in 50 years. The above is the heart of the story. But chapter 6, explaining how a free nation with free speech and a free press is propagandized (protecting this system of plunder-by-trade), also stands alone. We feel Chapter 26, the history of money and how simple it would be to restructure to honest money also stands alone and is easily understood. As an example of how simple these explanations are we will summarize chapter 13, Agriculture: Where would America be if a powerful nation subsidized their farmers (as the U.S. does) and undersold their wheat, corn, soybean, cotton, dairy, and beef farmers? Why the farmers would go broke, the machinery companies would go broke, entire communities would collapse, and this would collapse many or even all other industries. This is what happens when we undersell other farmers or give our grain to those countries. The same holds true for other consumer products. The multiplier factor is the health of any economy and the multiplier factor goes into reverse whenever a country's farmers or industries are undersold by another nation's highly subsidized producers. Fourteen years ago this author (J.W. Smith, with a Ph.D in Political Economics and has presented these concepts at conferences in 6 countries) mathed out how quick the world could be capitalized to a sustainable level and poverty eliminated and that math holds yet today. Poverty can be eliminated in 10 years and the world can be developed to a sustainable level for a quality life for all in 50 years. It is not a matter of not knowing what to do. We know exactly what to do. The problem is the world's arteries of trade are tied to that centuries-old system of plunder by trade, and the powerbrokers (which are good people just as you and I) cannot see a way out. This book shows the way out and, being as the majority of those leaders too are good people, once it becomes common knowledge many of those powerbrokers will take that stand. We have proven over and over (through conversation or reading this summary) that the fundamentals can be understood in 30 minutes (this Summary). These books are for both academics and lay intellectuals. If the people stand up and show the way the leaders will follow. Though already in use in world conflict and poverty classes we are asking for support and guidance on getting this to the world. Thank you. Gilbert De Bruycker
![]() Gilbert De Bruycker <> requested that we send this message. If you have questions about, please visit our Help Department
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