To the Foundation Social Databank Netherlands
I and several others members of our Dutch language e-mail group ONCE (Oudere Nederlandstalige Cyberspace Enthousiasten) have read the letter from Mr. Robert. M. Brockhus with the title America..No..No..No. We found the letter and the responses form the young lady and the redneck American extremely interesting, to say the least. But now we would like to discuss that and other aspects of today's society in the Netherlands, America, Canada, Australia, etc, in our group of about 50 people from all over the world, and would like to use Mr. Brockhus' letter as a starting point. The problem that we are having is that a large segment of our membership does not have sufficient command of the English language to read and understand the letter and we cannot find a Dutch translation on your web site. And we are therefore wondering if there is in fact a Dutch translation, and if so whether you or Mr. Brockhus can forward a copy to us. Any help in this regard will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely,
Stewart Abma
Lectori Salutem, Hallo, thank you for the response on my article "America ... no,, ... no....!" that I wrote in 1992. I appreciate you will to use this text for discussion as you mentioned above. I will make a translation to Dutch for you because I wrote the original in English. This will take a few days, because I am really busy. Please let me know when you need it. In advance I put your initiative on the internet too with some 'clicks' on your behalve. Most of those 'clicks' refer to texts in Dutch and some to English. If you have a need for a copy of a cd-rom on which the whole internet website of the Social Databank is comprised in Dutch, I will send you one. Just ask for it. With friendly regard, Robert. M. Brockhus (webmaster of SDN) E-mail |