Huizen, july 16th 1993
America, no..!, no..!, no..!
To those concerned, In the compressed database going with the translation program BABYLON you will find a unique correspondence about the monetary and social structure in the Netherlands. The Netherlands - also called Holland - is a small country on the west coast of Europe. In this rather small country, where the average well-being of the population is significantly better than in the United States of America, was discovered in 1981 "WHY" the economic recession emerged, the technical cause of that recession and the method to deal with it. Today however, right-wing forces in politics are pushing that small, prosperous society into a direction resembling more and more the American way of governing the masses. I, as the writer of many critics on the ruthless, mostly Christian manipulation of information (which is propagating pure selfishness and egoism), have tried to put up a force against the blurring violence of misinformation by privileged groups through government channels and a manipulated press. I called this force LITTLE SISTER, because she as a member of the family of bits & bytes descendants can form a shield against the on-going and growing influence of the computer on our lives. For BIG BROTHER is watching you more closely every day !!
Next to this, 12 million children have scarcely access to medical care, and the national health care covers only 40 percent of the needs of the really poor in the United States of America. The rest is fully deprived and left alone to the market forces. Ten percent of the boys under eighteen, and eighteen percent of the girls have attempted suicide, and the nursing of psychiatric patients under eighteen years of age has five folded since 1971. I read that 27 percent of the teenagers do not finish school, regardless of the (financial) background of the parents. Not even half of the students of 17 years of age, can tell weather 87% of 10 is more, less or equal to 10 !! Less than half of the kids know what Apartheid is, and 70% doesn't know what Tjernobyl is. Only 50% of the children in the US can calculate how much money one gets back when paying for a hamburger. It appears that only one out of four parents pays a visit to school on an information day. In the average American home television sets are on for some six to seven hours each day. Most children are watching TV four hours a day. During those watching hours they see mostly violence, sex, drugs and criminal movies. And when a kid "graduates" from high school, it has watched over 1500 hours of TV commercials. One other figure enlightens my view on the US. In the United States of America 6 per mille of the US-population is kept behind bars. No nation on Earth has so many prisoners as THE WORLD'S LEADING NATION. Of every 100.000 inhabitants 600 are in jail ! In the Netherlands, that is just over 80 (eighty) of every 100.000 inhabitants or 0,8 per mille of the population, and I would like to keep it that low. (Actualized with figures of 1998)
In the Netherlands, things are organized in a different way for the time being. We do have a significantly higher level of taxation, and therefore a lower rate of poverty. However, this might be coming to an end when Christian politics get a chance to develop further. It's just simply what you prefer. Low taxes and a high criminality or higher taxes with less poverty and much lesser criminality. Including unemployment, high taxation and the transfer of income through social benefits the cost per unit of product is the lowest of the world. Yes, not even Japan equals the productivity per capita. Next to that the Dutch are - also per capita - the largest foreign investors in the world, because of high taxation. But who wants to know why? Meanwhile the Dutch possess substantial parts of the US, without the Americans knowing this. America seems going to be crushed under the very destructive forces it cherished so long. Namely: the free market with unlimited competition. Above all, by taking income out of undeserved interest rates. Consider the the external debt of the USA of 2.4 trillion dollars (Mai 2005, est.) whilst The Netherlands has no external debt at all. and the change in currency value of the Euro to US$ at 0.8597 in January 1999, and now US$ 1.2300 to the Euro in Mai 2005. Things changed to a new situation on September 27th in 2007. The external debt of the US rose to est. 6 trillion dollars; and the exchange rate for the euro to the dollar topped € 1 to $ 1,41, or 0,71 eurocents to 1 dollar. The US is getting rid now of her external debt by devaluation of the dollar. Foreign investors like China, Japan, Taiwan and the rest of the world are not happy with this loss of purchasing power and shrinking of their savings in dollars, next to the drag on exports to the US at lower prices.
Question: How much will the value of that cent be today, and express this in a metric counter value of pure gold. When you have found the answer, you can give your own judgment upon capitalism in the present form and what it should look like in the very near future. Do remember this: In a communist society people are exploited by other people, whilst in a capitalist run society it's exactly the other way around. Anyhow, you should try to run the translation program and make the effort to read some of the interesting correspondences between governmental institutions, the central bank, unions, ministries, the prime-minister and Queen Beatrice and myself. Maybe you can find some solutions for your own country. I am very aware of the fact, that there are a number of things and achievements that you can be proud of too. As far as the "social structure" is concerned, I keep my point of view that I am so very, very glad "NOT" to be an American, unless you can prove me otherwise. In that case I owe you an apology.
Robert M. Brockhus |